환급금 조회 가이드앱 - 환급금 신청, 지원금

by 국민생활지원정보



Well help you avoid missing out on your refund! Dont miss it this year! Learn about refund concepts and types in the refund inquiry guide app. In addition, learn all information related to comprehensive income tax.[Refund inquiry guide app - refund application, main functions included in the support app]▶ Collection of refund information- We have included all information about refunds for those who are unfamiliar with refunds. Learn everything from concepts to types and dont miss out on your refund!▶Compilation of comprehensive income tax information- Find out the comprehensive income tax rate, reporting method, and reporting period and dont miss out on your refund. ▶Latest news updates regarding unrefunded payments- Check out the updated news related to unrefunded payments and see if there are any refunds you missed.[Notice]- This app does not represent any government or political organization.- This app was created to provide quality information and does not take any responsibility.- This app does not represent the government or government agencies.Source: https://www.hometax.go.kr/websquare/websquare.wq?w2xPath=/ui/pp/index_pp.xml&tmIdx=0&tm2lIdx=100907&tm3lIdx=